Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Project
Pinned Image

My holiday project. And I did try to fine something similar on ravellry, but nothing spoke to me.

So I make my own.

Wish me luck, she will be a lovely grey colour .... or oyster as the yarn tag says. Hope its more grey than grey beige. I can't decide.

I'm going for elegant.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

'Woven' Scarf

Woven’ Scarf
by Nicole Taylor
This pattern is more of a guideline than a strict step by step pattern. This version is in stocking stitch.

Needed - 2x colour A     2x colour B        2x Colour C

This scarf can use any yarn and any needle size that you deem appropriate to the 2 stranded yarn.

You can also choose any stitch – garter, stocking, etc.

You can be funky and have bright contrasting colours or elegant with more muted colour combinations.

When adding your new strand to the 2 strand mix, twist the old and new strands together, to keep the tension across colours.

The scarf is made up of 3 columns in 3 colours (yarn colour A1, B1, C1) and bands of 9 rows each.  Each band uses one colour, and the colours cycle through the same combination as the columns.  For example, the first band uses colour A2 which is the same as A1 used for the whole of column 1.







First colour band

Cast on 27 stitches, using two strands of yarn (A1 and A2) held together.

Row1:   knit 9 st with yarn A1 and A2, add yarn B2 and remove yarn A2 from your 2 strand mix,
knit 9 st with yarn A1 and B2, add yarn C2 and remove yarn B2 from your 2 strand mix,  
knit 9st with yarn A1 and C2.

Row 2: purl 9 st with yarn A1 and A2, add yarn B2 and remove yarn A2 from your 2 strand mix,
purl 9 st with yarn A1 and B2, add yarn C2 and remove yarn B2 from your 2 strand mix,
purl 9st with yarn A1 and C2.

Repeat until you can count 8 rows.

Second colour band
 Row1: knit 9 st with yarn B1 and A2, add yarn B2 and remove yarn A2 from your 2 strand mix,
knit 9 st with yarn B1 and B2, add yarn C2 and remove yarn B2 from your 2 strand mix,   
knit 9st with yarn B1 and C2.

Row 2: purl 9 st with yarn B1 and A2, add yarn B2 and remove yarn A2 from your 2 strand mix,
purl 9 st with yarn B1 and B2, add yarn C2 and remove yarn B2 from your 2 strand mix,
purl 9st with yarn B1 and C2.

Repeat until you can count 8 rows.

Third colour band

 Row1: knit 9 st with yarn C1 and A2, add yarn B2 and remove yarn A2 from your 2 strand mix,
knit 9 st with yarn C1 and B2, add yarn C2 and remove yarn B2 from your 2 strand mix,   
knit 9st with yarn C1 and C2.

Row 2: purl 9 st with yarn C1 and A2, add yarn B2 and remove yarn A2 from your 2 strand mix,
purl 9 st with yarn C1 and B2, add yarn C2 and remove yarn B2 from your 2 strand mix,
purl 9st with yarn C1 and C2.

Repeat until you can count 8 rows.

Repeat from first colour band to third colour band.

Repeat until all the yarn is finished or the scarf is long enough.
